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Privé MEDSPA Juvéderm Hydrate

Juvéderm HYDRATE is a treatment specifically designed to improve skin hydration and elasticity, resulting in a more refreshed appearance and a natural, healthy glow in the face, neck, décolletage, and hands.

Juvéderm HYDRATE effectively replenishes depleted levels of hyaluronic acid (HA) in your skin to restore a natural, healthy glow. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance found in the body that helps to hydrate and add volume to our skin. Natural HA is broken down by the body in one or two days so it is constantly replaced. As we age, this replacement mechanism diminishes, so the moisturising and plumping effects of HA decrease.

Juvéderm HYDRATE also features mannitol, an antioxidising agent that helps prevent the build-up of free radicals within the skin that degrade HA. With the addition of mannitol, the effects of the treatment can be prolonged.

How does Juvéderm HYDRATE work?

Juvéderm HYDRATE works because of the super-hydrating power of HA, which occurs naturally in the body. The hydrating effects of HA come from the fact that it retains water and absorbs more than 1000 times its weight!

Juvéderm HYDRATE is designed to replenish HA lost through ageing, rehydrating the skin, and improving its elasticity and tone. It is administered through tiny injections about 1-2 cm apart. Once injected, the HA gel flows smoothly and distributes evenly into the skin.

What will be involved in my treatment?

The actual treatment takes from 15 to 30 minutes. Firstly the area to be treated is cleaned and then an anaesthetic cream is applied to ensure the most comfortable treatment possible. Then tiny quantities of Juvéderm HYDRATE product will injected, using a fine needle below the treatment area. After the injections, the treated area will be massaged to smooth out the product in the skin.

How long will the effects of treatment with Juvéderm® HYDRATE last?

Results with Juvéderm ® HYDRATE typically are long-lasting, up to 3 months when part of a skin regime.

The duration of results may sometimes be shorter or longer depending upon your age, physiology and lifestyle (smoking and exposure to sun or UV rays may shorten the effect).

With Juvéderm HYDRATE, your results are immediate and very natural looking. With a few small precautions, you can return to work and resume your social life immediately.

Are there any side effects?

Following treatment, you may experience redness, slight swelling, or bruising at the treated area. These side effects will not last and can easily be covered up with your usual makeup.

Are there any recommendations I should follow after treatment?

You should not use use any makeup during the 12 hours that follow the injection treatment and avoid any extended exposure to the sun, UV light, and temperatures below 0°C, as well as any sauna or steam bath sessions during the two weeks that follow the treatment.

Does Juvéderm HYDRATE work?

In a recent study, 95% of patients were delighted with the results of their treatment with Juvéderm HYDRATE, and 85% said that they would recommend the treatment to a friend.


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